Every week is a different theme. Sessions begin with a sharing circle.

A circle is a space for self-reflection and rest. Free of judgment, this is a time to share, feel lighter, and ease anxieties and stress.

We then practice yoga or a movement practice learning strategies to help build mental and physical strength and flexibility.

Before our closing circle, the girls explore some form of creative expression. Creative expression offers children an opportunity to develop important skills that support positive social-emotional health including the ability to name and identify their own feelings, think critically about the world around them, and practice self-regulation for positive behavior management.

Underpinning everything is belonging, the girls in secret girls club stick together – we’ve got each other’s backs.

Getting a sense of “belonging” within the community and friends is really important for children; for their happiness and wellbeing. Anything that we can do to encourage this is carefully curated within our sessions.